Revisions to Your Offer of Financial Assistance

Your initial offer of financial assistance may change if your circumstances change.

These changes may result from one or more of the following situations:

  • If you receive additional aid, such as scholarships from outside agencies, employers or the government.
  • If you have changes to your costs, your credit load, where you are living while at SPU, or if SFS receives documentation of unique circumstances.
  • Your eligibility changes based on new information such as verified income or assets.
  • You request to cancel or reduce your aid, such as loans.

If you have changes in your situation, like where you are living while at SPU, how many credits you are taking, receiving more financial aid, or if you wish to change your award, you are required to notify SFS immediately.

The forms to revise your financial aid are available online and in the SFS office. Once you are on the website, look for the Financial Aid Revision Request Form or the Loan Reduction or Cancellation Request. We will complete changes based on eligibility and funding availability. We will send notifications of revisions to your SPU email account.

Due to federal and state regulations, schools cannot award any student more than their documented need or cost of attendance. Any changes in your finances or costs may result in a necessary change to your financial aid award.

SPU and the Washington Student Achievement Council reserve the right to change, reduce, or cancel any financial aid due to limited funding or new information that changes your eligibility.

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