Christian Scripture Minor

The Christian Scripture minor is designed to lead students into a more mature understanding of Scripture’s teaching about God. Not only is this minor designed to be intellectually invigorating, but each of its courses also intends to relate Scripture to Christian formation and theology in spiritually enriching and challenging ways.


When you minor in Christian Scripture, course by course, you will learn how to interpret Scripture with skill and grace. You will discover the historical, literary, and theological aspects of different biblical writings — and also learn the practical implication of each for Christian faith and witness today.

Degree Requirements

View the degree requirements:

Examples of courses in this minor include "Word as Witness: Prophets," "Four Gospels and One Jesus," and "Prophecy, Power, and Politics: Acts." To earn a Christian Scripture minor, you will be required to take a minimum of 30 credits, including at least 15 upper-division credits.

To apply to the Christian Theology major or one of our minors, please follow these instructions.

Theology-Related Internships

Undergraduate students in the School of Theology have worked in churches, parachurch organizations, ministries, and nonprofit organizations.

To find information about possible theology-related internships and employment opportunities, there are many resources available to students, including:

  • SPU’s internship and job-posting system, Handshake, is updated weekly with ministry, church, and service positions. Students and employers regularly make use of this site.
  • SPU’s Center for Career and Calling provides employment and internship resources for students and employers. Contact CCC at 206-281-2485 or

Why I Teach David Nienhuis

Why I Teach at SPU

David Nienhuis, Professor of New Testament Studies

“Why do I teach at SPU? This gathering of students, staff, and faculty colleagues is the richest community I’ve found in my life. This is a community that knows how to care for its own.”

Financing Your Education

95 percent of undergraduates receive some form of financial assistance. See how we can design a financial aid package for you.